Bombing home of Qassim Mufreh Thweib Alsufla area – Haidan Directorate – Saada Governorate 3 May 2018

 Incident  Details

At 11:00 am on Thursday, May 3, 2018, the Saudi Arabian Coalition Forces launched random bombardment of rockets and artillery shells at the Thweib Alsufla area – Haidan Directorate – Saada Governorate. The shelling targeted the home of Qassim Mufreh, the house was full of eight civilians – Most of them were women and children. The missile destroyed the house on the heads of its residents. The shelling resulted in the injury of eight civilians among them 5 children, two women and a man. Some of the injured civilian were seriously injured. The whole family now is without home and they do not know how to live and where they can live.



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