Bombing Civilians’ Homes Sharwa area, Baqim district, Sa’ada governorate May 15, 2018

 Incident Details

At 10 pm, Thursday, May 15, 2018, the Saudi warplanes launched an airstrike on the houses of Ali Ahmed Lajman and Mohammed Shareef Mohammed that are located in Sharwa area, Baqim district, Sa’ada governorate. The attack destroyed the two houses and injured three civilians two of them are children. The injured victims are Fatema Ali Ahmed Lajman, Aisha Ali Ahmed Lajman and Ali Mohammed Musfer Muqeet while the rest of the family members survive ed sice they were out homes at the time of the targeting. The residents of the area rushed to the targeted houses to aid the victims and took them to Al_Talh hospital backed by the MSF. Now the two families are homeless, they have no place to live in.



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