WFP Yemen Country Brief, June 2018

In numbers

99,000 mt of life-saving in-kind food commodities distributed in June 2018

USD 65 m six-months Net Funding Requirements (August 2018 – January 2019)

7.6 m people assisted in June

Operational Context

Yemen is classified as a low-income, food-deficit country, ranked 168 out of 188 countries according to the 2016 Human Development Report. According to this report, at least 50 percent of the population is estimated to be living in poverty, and more than 90 percent of food in Yemen is imported.

Limited access to food is compounded by several factors, including the effects of low incomes, the depreciation of the Yemeni currency, uncertainty of access to Yemen’s Red Sea ports, large family sizes, high unemployment rates and non-payment of salaries of civil servants.
Present in Yemen since 1967, WFP currently aims to save lives and protect livelihoods, and specifically to increase food consumption through the scale-up of life saving emergency food assistance (particularly targeting IPC Phase 4 areas), as well as to expand coverage of nutrition interventions to prevent and treat Moderate and Acute Malnutrition (MAM).

Operational Updates

 In response to the increased violence in Hudaydah, the UN System in Yemen has been implementing a Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) to provide items necessary for families to survive while that will suffice until they reach the next displacement destination. Through the provisions of Humanitarian Service Points (HSP) and Humanitarian Transit Sites (HTS) WFP is providing these families with Immediate Response Rations (IRRs) sufficient for five days in addition to 2 kilograms of High Energy Biscuits (HEBs) and 2.4 kilograms of date bars.
As of 30 June, WFP has provided Immediate Response Rations (IRRs) to 5,210 households through various HTPs and HSPs. In addition to the IRRs, HEBs have been provided to 4,175 of these households and date bars have been provided to 834 of these households.

 In addition to providing life-saving food assistance to families fleeing violence, WFP plans to assist the 70,000 households in Hudaydah city with a one-off blanket commodity voucher distribution. However, due to the scarcity of wheat in the governorate, the sharp increase in the price of cooking oil, and to support the local economy in Hudaydah city, WFP will provide 900 pieces of bread (30 pieces of bread per day) to families in Hudaydah city rather than wheat flour. An additional 52,000 households in the district of Bait al-Faqih (Hudaydah governorate) will also receive a one-off blanket commodity voucher ration.

 Despite the increase in violence throughout the governorate of Hudaydah in June 2018, Yemen’s Red Sea Ports- Hudaydah and Saleef- remained operational.
WFP offloaded and delivered 75,000 metric tons (Mt) of wheat from three WFP chartered vessels at Hudaydah Port during June 2018.

 Similarly, since the end of the temporary blockade on Yemen’s Red Sea Ports in November 2018, 165 vessels and 19 dhows have discharged cargo at Hudaydah and Saleef ports. Specifically, 11 humanitarian vessels carrying 271,330 Mt of food items, 1 carrying 4 mobile cranes and 8 vessels carrying 445 Mt of cargo directed to the Logistics cluster partners. 75 commercial vessels containing 1,972,173 Mt of various food commodities; 77 commercial tankers carrying 860,694 Mt of diesel and petrol; 19 dhows carrying 2,416 Mt of humanitarian cargo and 1 commercial vessel carrying 44,869 Mt of coal. In addition, one containerized cargo vessel carrying 581 shipping containers has discharged on the port.

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