Yemen UNHCR Update, 21 September – 12 October 2018

Situation Update

According to the 17th report of the Task Force for Population Movement (TFPM), over 2.3 million people have been displaced by conflict in Yemen since March 2015. As of June 2018, more than one million individuals have returned home across 22 governorates.

The military offensive in Al-Hudaydah continues with more than 78,400 families displaced since the onset of the clashes. Since 1 October, some 8,100 newly displaced households from Al-Hudaydah reached the southern governorates, leading to a total of 24,366 households that have been displaced to Taizz Governorate and Al Hudaydah coast line districts (Hays, AlKhawkha and Mawza). UNHCR is advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and for all parties to adhere to their obligations under International Humanitarian Law. So far, UNHCR has assisted more than 100,000 people as part of the Al-Hudaydah response.

On 6 October, one woman was killed and 12 civilians were injured, including eight children, in a shelling incident that occurred at the Bani Jaber internally displaced person (IDP) camp in the Al-Khawkhah district in Al-Hudaydah Governorate. As many as 17 civilians have reportedly been killed or seriously injured in October. Since 2016, over 65,000 Yemenis are estimated to have either been killed or injured as a result of the conflict; this includes 16,000 civilian deaths that have been documented by the United Nations.

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