Yemen Situation Update, October 2018

Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

  • Within the framework of the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM), which is under the monitoring and supervision of UNFPA, the Logistics Cluster is in charge of assembling the RRM kits at the three common warehouses in Hodeidah (Bajil), Sana’a and Aden and of dispatching them to implementing partners in field locations; last mile delivery to beneficiaries is carried out by implementing partners.
  • Phase 9 deliveries were completed in the first half of the month, whereas deliveries for Phase 10 and 11 were completed by the end of the month. Stocks have been prepositioned in Bajil warehouse for upcoming phases.
  • Since the beginning of the RRM the Logistics Cluster has facilitated the delivery of over 200,00 kits to 39 locations across the Hodeidah, Hajjah, Raymah and Al Mahwit governorates on behalf of WFP, UNICEF and UNFPA.

Air Transport

  • In October, the Logistics Cluster facilitated transport of 99 mt / 405 m3 of relief items on behalf of IOM, UNICEF,
    PU-AMI and WHO.
  • Following consultations with organisations in Yemen, cargo airlifts from Djibouti to Sana’a emerged as a clear need until the end of the year, and looking forward into 2019.
  • Due to the severe congestion of Aden port, the Logistics Cluster will also look at the possibility of carrying out airlifts from Djibouti to Aden for urgent relief items.

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