UNICEF Executive Director: Growing calls for ceasefire in Yemen a welcome sign, but country’s children need an end to war

Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore

NEW YORK, 16 November 2018 – “The increasing number of appeals for a ceasefire in Yemen and resumption of political talks, offer a glimmer of hope to Yemeni children that peace might one day return to their country.

“Yet the fighting continues and it is children who bear the consequences of a war waged by adults – living in communities ravaged by violence, cholera and malnutrition. Fear and sorrow to last a lifetime have been seared into their young hearts.

“Children have suffered terribly during more than three years of conflict – at least 6,000 have been killed or seriously injured by the fighting, while over 11 million need humanitarian assistance to survive.

“Basic services like water, healthcare and sanitation have all but collapsed, and with the economy in freefall, families cannot afford to feed their children or bring them to health facilities. In Yemen, one child dies every 10 minutes from preventable causes, including malnutrition and vaccine-preventable diseases.

“It is my sincere hope that, as the Security Council meets today to discuss Yemen and political talks resume in the coming weeks, parties to the conflict and those who have influence over them will heed the calls for a lasting peace and place the interests of Yemeni children front and centre.


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