Yemen Situation Update, November 2018

1. Augmentation Plan 2019

In November, the Logistics Cluster worked with its partners on an augmentation plan for 2019, in line with the expected increase of humanitarian activities across Yemen. The Logistics Cluster aims to extend its scope of work to respond to the additional logistics needs of humanitarian organisations, maintaining the purpose of maximizing the available resources in country, and avoid duplication of efforts. Here below the main points of the augmentation plan.


• The Logistics Cluster plans to increase its storage capacity in both Aden and Sana’a.

• As cold and temperature-controlled storage have been identified as major gaps in Aden, the Logistics Cluster aims to build between 500 and 1,000 m2 of cold/temperature controlled storage space within the Free Zone warehouse.

• In Hodeidah, the Logistics Cluster will monitor the situation to increase the storage capacity if and when possible: while increasing storage space within the city is not be feasible because of security, the Logistics Cluster could access the WFP space at the seaport (7,000 m2 ), and could increase the storage capacity in Bajil.

Cargo Transport

• The Logistics Cluster aims to open the Djibouti – Aden route for cargo airlifts to avoid the congestion at the seaport, as well as the Aden – Socotra route in case of natural disasters (such as cyclones and typhoons, to which the island is prone).

• The Logistics Cluster aims to purchase key equipment for the Aden airport, Aden sea port and Hodeidah seaport to increase offloading capacity.

• For sea transport, the Logistics Cluster aims to maintain the two VOS vessels, Apollo and Theia. One of them always has to be on standby outside Hodeidah to provide emergency passenger transport if needed. The other will serve the Djibouti – Aden – Djibouti route regularly for cargo.

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