Yemen – Cholera (DG ECHO, UN, INGOs, media)(ECHO Daily Flash of 25 April 2019)

Between 1 January and 13 April 2019, 214 798 suspected cholera cases and 445 associated deaths were recorded in Yemen. The highest number of suspected cases (31 126) since January 2018 was recorded in the first week of April. The Ministry of Health reports cholera cases in 285 out of 333 districts in 22 out of 23 governorates. Children under five are the most affected group, representing 23% of total cases.

Seventeen health organisations are supporting the cholera response with 168 treatment centers and 1 050 oral rehydration corners in 147 priority districts. Existing gaps call for strengthening of coordination mechanisms between the Ministry of Water, the Ministry of Health and the Health and WASH Clusters.

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