Republic of Yemen: Shelter/NFIs Fact Sheet, March 2019


  • Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster assisted 18 percent out of 3 million people planned to be reached in 2019.
  • More than 151,800 people were displaced by the conflict in the first quarter.
  • The Shelter/NFI/CCCM Cluster organized a donor engagement session to strengthen relationship with donors and understand their priorities.


  • The situation on the conflict frontlines remains intense and generates new waves of displacements for over 25,300 families (or 151,800 people) to mainly Hajjah and Al Hudaydah, Al Dhale’e and Amran governorates.
  • Most frequent Shelter/NFIs issues cited by affected population are overcrowding, families unable to afford rent payments, high cost of shelter materials in the local market, lack of basic household items in the local market, and when available families do not have the means to purchase them and lack of lighting in their shelters.

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