Yemen – Conflict (UN, INGOs, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 8 August 2019)

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented several recent events impacting civilians across the country. Since 27 July, at least 19 civilians died and 42 were injured.

Al Qaeda and Islamic State have intensified their activities in Aden and Abyan, attacking a police station and military camps on 1 and 2 August.

The attacks are allegedly in response to a missile attack launched by the Houthis against military in Aden on 1 August. “Security-belt” forces are reportedly carrying out and enabling retaliatory attacks against civilians from northern parts of Yemen, who are being rounded up, assaulted, harassed and forcibly displaced to areas bordering other governorates, in breach of international human rights and humanitarian law.

Sana’a airport has been closed to commercial flights since 9 August 2016. According to estimates from the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and CARE, in the last three years, as many as 32,000 people may have died prematurely because they were unable to travel abroad for treatment.

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