Yemen: Flash Floods Flash Update No. 1 (As of 3 October 2019)


Heavy rains and thunderstorms hit southern Yemen on 27 September, affecting Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwah and Hadramaut governorates. In Aden, houses were flooded and electricity cuts of up to 15 hours due to storm-induced damages to the electricity grid. Serious damage to IDP sites was reported in Aden City, Tuban in Lahj Governorate and Khanfir in Abyan District. The Meteorological Department at Aden International Airport reports that adverse weather conditions may continue for several days.

Central areas of Yemen were also affected. On 29 September, the Executive Unit in Marib reported that on 28 September, a total of 59 houses, from Al Gofinah IDPs Spontaneous Settlements located in Marib City in Marib Governorate, were demolished by flash floods that washed away already displaced families houses and belongings. There is an urgent need of shelter, non-food items (NFIs) and food. In Dhamar Governorate, 109 families were affected by recent floods in Wusab As Safil District. Reports indicate that shelter and NFIs are priority needs with further needs assessments underway. In addition, on 1 October, heavy rains and floods hit Abs and Aslem districts in Hajjah Governorate and Az Zuhra and Bayt Al Faqiah districts in Al Hudaydah Governorate. Humanitarian partners are mobilizing efforts to assess needs.


The Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster, the Protection Cluster, the Shelter Cluster, UNHCR and the Executive Unit for IDPs conducted a joint rapid assessment in 15 sites in the affected governorates on 28 September.

Main needs observed consisted of food, desludging of stagnant water, shelters, NFI and plastic sheets and dicophane spray (DDT) to mitigate the risk of cholera, dengue and malaria. A total of 2,775 families have been affected by the floods in affected governorates (1,329 in Lahj, 900 in Aden, 508 in Abyan and 38 in Hadramaut).

IDP sites affected include Ammar Bin Yasser, Al Sha’ab 1 and 2, the Saudi Agricultural Institute, Layla’a Khalil, Medical Store, and Al Maflahi Fence in Aden; Al-Mshqafa, Al Rabat, Al Baytarah, Sabr, and Al Garad in Lahj; and Gool Al Sada, Aber, Al Mahjar, Halama, Gool Ahmed and Al Rudaini in Abyan. Key findings include:

• In Ammar bin Yasser (Aden), all 75 shelters were partially damaged as were class rooms that host IDPs. There is an immediate need for plastic sheets and the rehabilitation of roofs. Roads inside the site are impaired by stagnant water, latrines remain inaccessible and food stocks were damaged.

• In Al Zera’a (Aden), shelters, NFIs, food and personal belongings of all 22 IDP families who live there were damaged, most of the site was flooded with sewage and garbage piled up at the entrance of the to the site.

• In Al Kara’a (Aden), 125 families are in need of food, including 95 families who are waiting to receive NFI kits.

• At the Al Rabat site (Lahj), where 581 IDP families live, heavy rains caused flooding and significantly damaged tents, personal items, NFIs and food of all the IDP families. According to the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), plastic sheeting is needed to cover damaged roofs in 293 shelters and 5 tents. In addition, a communal latrine pit is filled with rain water, and there are large pools of water on the site, raising concerns about the risk of water-borne diseases.

• In Saber (Lahj), IDPs managed to drain some water from their shelters, but all NFIs and food items were destroyed. WASH facilities were not flooded and remain operational. According to DRC, 2 tents were destroyed, and 156 plastic sheets are required to cover roofs.

• In Gool and Helma (Abyan), Abyan Youth Foundation reported damage to shelters and the loss of food, livestock and clothes.

• In Al Abr District (Hadramaut), an assessment was conducted in the Al-Raqmeh and Al Jabiya areas, where a total of 38 tents, 14 water tanks were damaged and household items, food and livestock were lost.

• At the Al Gofinah site (Marib City), initial reports indicate that humanitarian needs are shelter/NFIs and food.

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