Yemen – Conflict, displacement, hospital targeted (DG ECHO, IOM, MSF, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 11 November 2019)

Renewed fighting in the southern Al Dhale governorate has created a new wave of displacement – 214 households or approximately 1,300 people are in harsh conditions, including across mine-contaminated areas. In the last months more than 400 internally displaced families sheltered in schools and displacement sites, mainly coming from the marginalised Muhamisheen community have been evicted. The few humanitarian actors in the area are struggling to deliver protection services and material assistance.

According to the International Organisation for Migration’s(IOM) Displacement Tracking report, between 27 October-2 November alone, 489 households (approximately 3,000 people) were displaced, over 75% of them across southern governorates. This is in addition to over 65,000 people who had left their homes in January-September 2019, including secondary and tertiary displacement.

In Mokha, on 6 November, a hospital run by Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) was badly damaged by missile strikes targeting a nearby military post. No staff or patients were injured however, its warehouse and pharmacy were destroyed. MSF had to temporarily evacuate the hospital and refer patients to another health structure.

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