Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 16 January 2020

IDP Response

A total of USD 41 M was delivered directly to IDP families in Yemen in 2019. Most of the families received cash for their basic needs such as Protection services (47 per cent) and rental subsidies (33 per cent). The rest (20 per cent) was for winter assistance.

This year, UNHCR plans to target 345,000 families, out of which some 201,650 families will be prioritized for cash assistance. Field offices began verifying data collected in the fourth quarter of 2019 in order to draw the first cash beneficiary list for this year.

Distributions continued in areas under the territory of the Government of Yemen, in the south. Through partners, UNHCR Sub Office (SO)
Aden distributed assorted basic household items to 502 conflict-affected families living in various districts in Al Hudaydah and Hadhramaut governorate, the majority being women and children. In 2019, UNHCR SO Aden reached some 26,000 conflict affected families with basic household items, and 2,500 families with emergency shelter solutions.

The installation of 6,000 weather-adjusted Tehama Emergency Shelters Kits (TESKs) is ongoing. So far, a total of 5,795 IDP families began residing in these shelters, which are currently at various degrees of completion. The shelters are constructed with local materials produced by conflict-affected families.

UNHCR, through partners, completed the implementation of two Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) in Al Jawf governorate. The first is construction of a 30-student capacity classroom for girls, as requested by local authorities in Barat Al Anan district.

The second is an enhancement to a water point in Al Humaydat district with solar paneling, to improve sustainability of the facility. UNHCR installed two water tanks with a total capacity of 6,000 liters in 2018, aiming to improve the health and well-being of both IDP and host communities by reducing the prevalence of water and sanitationrelated disease through provision of safer water sources, while also promoting peaceful and dignified co-existence.

Refugee Response

During the reporting period, a total of 3,561 refugees, asylum seekers and Yemeni nationals were consulted at five of the UNHCR-supported medical facilities country-wide. Upper respiratory tract infection continued to be the leading cause for out-patient-consultation in the south of Yemen, while in Sana’a, mental health and chronic cases such as diabetics, kidney failure and liver disease were frequently diagnosed. The main causes include hereditary factors as well as stress, diet and other related factors, reflecting the effect of on-going violence and insecurity on civilians.
UNHCR also facilitates community-based projects such as rehabilitation of health facilities, while advocating for the inclusion of refugees into national health campaigns such as measles, cholera and polio.

For refugees and asylum-seekers with specific needs, UNHCR’s Protection partner manages reception centres in Lahj and Aden Governorate, where some half of Yemen’s nearly 278,000 refugees and asylum-seekers currently reside.
Here, persons receive tailored support such as psychosocial counselling, health referrals and cash assistance after a thorough assessment and verification process.
During the reporting period, a total of 31 highly vulnerable refugees and asylum-seekers received support through self-referral, as well as monthly UNHCR partner protection monitoring.

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