Security Council Press Statement on Yemen (30 January 2020)


The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Dang Dinh Quy (Viet Nam):

The members of the Security Council expressed their serious concern at the significant escalation of violence in Nehm and Al Jawf and its impact on civilians, thousands of whom had been displaced in recent days. They underlined their disappointment at this return to violence, which threatens to undermine progress made during the recent period of de-escalation in Yemen. They called for an immediate cessation of these hostilities, which posed a threat to the political process, and for a return to de-escalation efforts. They reminded all parties to fulfil their obligations under international humanitarian law, including in relation to ensuring the protection of civilians, in particular women and children, and their obligations under international human rights law, as applicable. The Security Council underlines the need to ensure accountability for violations in Yemen.

The members of the Security Council reiterated their full support for the efforts of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, and expressed hope that a renewed de-escalation would create space for the Yemeni parties to move towards comprehensive and inclusive United Nations-led negotiations urgently, on the security and political arrangements necessary to end the conflict and move towards a peaceful transition. They welcomed the announcement on 27 January of a medevac air bridge from Sana’a to Amman and Cairo, a key confidence-building measure. Emphasising the importance of continued political commitment to uphold the Stockholm Agreement, they reiterated their call on the parties to maintain the ceasefire in Hodeidah and to continue broader implementation of the Stockholm Agreement, in parallel with efforts towards an inclusive political solution, as set out in relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2216 (2015) as well as by the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative and its implementation mechanism and the outcome of the National Dialogue Conference.

The members of the Security Council welcomed the renewed commitment of the parties on 9 January to implement the Riyadh Agreement, and expressed their full support for the efforts by Saudi Arabia to promote dialogue and bring security to southern Yemen. They called on all parties to engage constructively to make those efforts a success.

The members of the Security Council called for an immediate stop to all intimidation of humanitarian workers, a cessation of the obstruction and diversion of humanitarian assistance, the conclusion of project agreements and their swift implementation without further delays, and the facilitation of safe and unhindered access for humanitarian personnel and flows of humanitarian supplies, in particular in the north of Yemen.

The members of the Security Council reaffirmed their strong commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen.

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