The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 23/8/2016

Violation date: Tuesday 23/8/2016

Time: over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Marib, Sana’a, the capital of Sana’a, Taiz, Saada, Hajja, AL-Jawf, Amran and AL-Hodeida.

Violator: Saudi – Led Coalition “War on Yemen”

Casualties and damages:


(5 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted Surwah district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Hailan Mountain, Surwah district.


( 11 airstrikes)

  • Eight airstrikes targeted AL-Khurafi area, Bani Hushaish district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Bait Dehra area, Nehm district.

The Capital of Sana’a:

( 13 airstrikes)

  • Six airstrikes targeted AL-Nahdha area, AL-Thawra district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted the building of the Technical Insurance in AL-Nahdha area, AL-Thawra district.
  • Four airstrikes targeted Saref area, Bani AL-Hareth district.
  • One airstrike targeted Attan area, AL-Sabe’n district.


(9 airstrikes)

  • Three airstrikes targeted a civilian’s house and destroyed it and damaged 6 others in the area of the old airport.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Sala district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Beer Basha area.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Jahmalia.


(36 airstrikes)

  • One civilian was killed during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 4 airstrikes on a civilian’s car at the public road in Qataber district.
  • Four airstrikes targeted ALLabeda area, AL-Safra’ district.
  • Four airstrikes targeted AL AL-Saifi area, Sehar district.
  • One airstrike targeted Yasnum Bridge in Baqem district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted AL Hamaqi area, Baqem district.
  • One airstrike targeted a civilian’s car at the public road in AL Hamaqi area, Baqem district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Mandaba area, Baqem district.
  • One airstrike targeted Sha’er Mountain, Baqem district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted the public road in Sharawi area, Baqem district.
  • Six airstrikes targeted AL-Bouq’ area, Ketaf district.
  • One airstrike targeted Sehar district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted the communications network and destroyed it in Jum’at Bani Bahr, Sagain district.
  • Artillery and missile bombardment targeted 2 cars in AL Maqna’ area, Munabeh district.
  • Artillery and missile bombardment targeted AL AL-Sheikh area, Munabeh district.


( 5 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted Ahem Junction, Haradh district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Washha district.
  • One airstrike targeted Nawa AL-Sufla School, Bakeel AL-Mair district.


( 5 airstrikes)

  • Three airstrikes targeted AL-Masloub district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Ghail district.


( 6 airstrikes)

  • Six airstrikes targeted AL-Ashmeia area, Harf Sufyan district.


( 2 airstrikes )

  • Two airstrikes targeted Kamran Island
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