The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 10-5-2015

((Killed 37 civilians and injured 45 others, including children and women and destroyed the houses and governmental and service facilities))

Violation date: Sunday 10/5/2015

Time: over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Sana’a, Hadda, Hajja, Haradh, Ahem, AL-Baitha, AL-Zaher area, and Saada.

Violator: Saudi – led Coalition “war on Yemen –

Type of violation: The warplanes bombed civilians’ houses and destroyed them on the heads of their inhabitants and killed them also they destroyed schools, civilian facilities and shops.

Casualties and damages:

Saada Province:

1 – They destroyed civilians’ houses in Dhahyan and killed 13 civilians and injured 10 others.

2- They destroyed commercial shops next to (Al-Salam) hospital and damaged 15 others.

Hajja Province:

3- Killed 15 civilians and injured 6 others.

4 – They destroyed a gas station that led to kill 5 civilians and injured 3 others with serious injuries in Haradh .

5- They destroyed (Al-Omara) hotel and damaged 7 commercial shops next to it in Haradh.

The capital of Sana’a:

6- They destroyed the house of the judge/ Mohammad Al-Shere’ and damaged (9) houses in AL-Nahada area. Another airstrike targeted the house of the civilian/ Abdullah AL-Hakem.

7- They bombed the house of the previous President/ Ali Abdullah Saleh with 2 airstrikes and damaged (10) houses and (15) commercial shops near to it in Haddah area, Al-Sakhr Street.

8–Injured 20 civilians including 3 media workers, children and women. One woman miscarried her embryo during the bombing of the warplanes next to the house of previous President/ Ali Abdullah Saleh in Haddah area.

AL-Baitha Province:

9- They destroyed the house of the civilian (Abdulgawi Al-Homaigani) in Al- Zahir district.

10- They destroyed (Al-Rawda) School in Al- Zahir district.

11 – Killed 4 civilians and injured 6 others.

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