UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report – reporting period 1 – 28 February 2021 [EN/AR]


• February witnessed a spike in the intensity of conflict on the Marib front despite ongoing peace talks and cessation of hostilities amongst conflicted parties in the country. Thousands fled conflict-affected parts of north-western Al Jawf, and southwestern and north-eastern Marib. The deteriorating security situation in these areas is leading to mass displacement and exacerbating already widespread needs.

• A total of 190,858 children over one year old were vaccinated against cholera (94 per cent coverage); among them, 188,850 received the second dose and 2,008 were reached with the first dose of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV).

• The Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) assessment on COVID-19 was conducted in three districts in Aden to assess knowledge and risk perception of the project beneficiaries, as well as to identify information needs and effective communication channels for engaging them. These findings will guide the COVID RCCE for shielding messaging and interventions in the targeted districts.

Funding Overview and Partnerships

In 2021, the Yemen Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC), which is currently aligned to the 2020 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP), appeals for $577 million. The COVID-19 response is integrated into the programmes planned within the HAC. It is expected that the HAC will be revised with the release of the YHRP 2021 in the coming months. A total of $94 million was carried forward from 2020, and while UNICEF is actively fundraising for its 2021 HAC appeal, $11 million has been received as of 28 February for a total of $122 million funds available. These generous contributions were received from the Canadian Committee for UNICEF, the Government of Slovenia, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).




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