The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 5 – 4 – 2015

civilians in Yemen 5 – 4 – 2015

 The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 5 - 4 - 2015

((Killed 40 civilians including 8 children and 10 women and injured 17 others – the destruction of residential houses and service facilities))

Violation date: 5/4/ 2015

Time: Over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Saada, Taiz, and Marib.

Violator: Saudi-led Coalition “War on Yemen”-

Violation type: Saudi Arabia warplanes bombed civilians’ houses and killed their inhabitants.

Casualties and damages:

1-(3) civilians were Killed in Sana’a.

2- (13) civilians including (4) children and (6) women were Killed in AL-Anad area, Saada. Also, (3) civilians were killed in Razeh,(3) others were injured. The warplanes targeted (2) markets, She’ara and the public markets in Saada. As well as, Al-Noor Special Hospital and AL-Faisalia Hotel were destroyed in Saada, Razeh district.

3- (2) civilians were killed and (13) others were injured in Marib.

4- (10) civilians were killed, and another one was injured in Taiz.

5- (3) houses were destroyed in AL-Anad area, Saada ,and (2) other houses in Taiz.

6- AL-Mosaimeer Bridge was destroyed in Lahjj.

7- Many houses were damaged.

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