The violations and crimes by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen 5/6/2015

Saada Province: –

  • killed 6 civilians and wounded 18 others during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by several airstrikes on civilians’ houses in Rahban area. The warplanes also targeted a group of civilians gathered to search for bodies of the victims under the rubble, it was mentioned that (6) civilians were survived in the house of Sabra one of them is the reporter of AL-Masirah channel.
  • killed 19 civilians, including 7 women and 5 children, and injured 9 others during the bombing of the Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on civilians’ houses and destroyed 12 completely at Bani Sayah Village, Razeh District
  • killed 8 civilians from the same family, including two women and two children during the bombing of Saudi warplanes and its alliance by several airstrikes on civilians’ houses in Ghamar district
  • More than (20) airstrikes targeted Sheda and Ghamar districts.
  • Several airstrikes targeted the civilians’ houses and caused many casualties in Dhahyan City.
  • Eight airstrikes targeted Sheda district.
  • Several airstrikes targeted a bridge linking between AL-Hassama and AL-Dhaher and destroyed a civilian’s car in AL-Hassama border area.
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