Bombing civilian houses with cluster bombs Al-Hijla area – Razih District- Saada Governorate 9 May 2018


Saudi Arabia and its coalition continue unabatedly and shamelessly in their great violations of the principles of humanity and the instruments of international humanitarian law over three years of war on Yemen. The Saudi coalition has used, in various areas of Yemen, especially the border areas, cluster bombs and conventional weapons banned internationally in action represent how it neglects the principles of humanitarian law. The last of these crimes in which the Saudi coalition has used banned weapons is the bombing of civilians’ homes with cluster bombs in Al-Hijla area – Razih District- Saada Governorate, 9 May 2018. This crime happened when the Saudi warplanes targeted the civilians’ homes with cluster bombs some of them did not explode during the targeting but in the next day they exploded among a group of family members of Abdullrahman Mohammed Ali. The explosion of the cluster bomb resulted in the killing of Yonis Mohammed and an embryo and the injury of Abdullrahman Mohammed and his wife seriously. The explosion caused fear among civilians and community.



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