Shelling the house of Ali Ali Al-Wazri Al-Azraq Region – Hamdan Directorate – Sana’a Governorate May 10, 2018


The Saudi Coalition continues to commit crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity and civilian families shedding the blood of children and women as well as violating their right to housing, life, physical integrity and to live in security and peace in their areas and residential communities in various governorates of Yemen. At two o’clock before dawn on Thursday, In May 10, 2018, Saudi warplanes launched three air raids targeting the home of Ali Ali Al-Wazri, where the family of Abdulrahman Al-Risi, lived by renting the house. The family were eight members. The barbaric raid destroyed the house killing the parents and 2 of their children and wounding the other 4 children. Rescuers continued to pull out the dead bodies and rescue the four wounded children until morning and got the wounded to the hospital. The other two raids targeted trucks and passenger vehicles as they passed through the public road at the checkpoint of Al-Azraqian and the main entrance to the capital of Sanaa, killing one of the workers of a restaurant and wounding a civilian working in a grocery store nearby. The brutal raids left behind destruction and damage to civilian objects. The highway was destroyed. Traffics, food trucks and commercial goods was paralyzed. Also damaged a restaurant and health clinic for first aid as well as destructing a store of oils, food and pennies.




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