Bombing the Farms of Civilians Shia’abat Dali and Al-Jerba Area – Al-Jarahi Directorate – Hodeida Governorate On 13 and 12 of May 2018

 Incident Details

The farm of Fadel Abbas Jabera is located in the area of Jabera of Al-Jarahi Directorate while the farm of Sheikh Serdah Osama Ali is located in the area of Shia’abat Dali, Al-Jarahi Directorate – Hodeida governorate. As in any farm, a lot of simple workers are working in these two farms. On Saturday at 10 am, the Saudi warplanes launched two raids targeted Fadel Abbas’s Farm which resulted in the killing of four civilians and the injury of others. The next day, the aircraft targeted the two farms of Sheikh Sardah and caused in the injury of four workers and the damage of more than forty mango trees.





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