Yemen – Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #11, Fiscal Year (FY) 2018


  • Airstrikes and insecurity result in civilian casualties, population displacement, and humanitarian access constraints in Al Hudaydah
  • Relief agencies provide humanitarian assistance to nearly 357,000 Al Hudaydah IDPs
  • Health actors respond to a recent increase in suspected cholera cases amid a potential third wave of the cholera outbreak


  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)-led Coalition airstrikes from August 22–23 in Al Hudaydah Governorate’s Ad Durayhimi District resulted in more than 30 civilian deaths, according to the UN. Relief actors expect violence to continue in Ad Durayhimi as parties to the conflict attempt to gain control of key areas in the district.
  • In response to displacement caused by the conflict in Al Hudaydah, relief actors had provided rapid response assistance—including emergency food rations, hygiene kits, and transit kits—to approximately 92 percent of the more than 357,000 individuals displaced from and within Al Hudaydah as of August 26, the UN reports.
  • On August 29, artillery fire in Al Hudaydah’s At Tuhayat District injured the driver of a truck contracted by the UN World Food Program (WFP) to transport nearly 30 metric tons (MT) of emergency food assistance, the UN reports. On the same day, artillery fire also hit an International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) truck carrying food supplies in At Tuhayat, damaging the commodities, according to the Protection Cluster. The number of suspected cholera cases in Yemen has increased since mid-July, indicating that a possible third wave of the ongoing epidemic has commenced, the UN reports. In early August, Yemeni national health authorities reached nearly 400,000 people through an oral cholera vaccination (OCV) campaign in Al Hudaydah’s Al Hali and Al Marawi’ah districts and Ibb Governorate’s Hazm Al Udayn District.
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