Yemen Fact Sheet, August 2018

Despite increasing hostilities and access challenges, UNHCR continued to provide life-saving assistance to refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons during the first half of 2018.

Protection and shelter needs of IDP families have increased. In 2018, UNHCR has so far assisted over 572,000 IDPs, of whom over 84,000 were reached during the Hudaydah response.

UNHCR-assisted spontaneous return for Somali refugees in Yemen to Somalia continued in 2018, bringing the total number of Somalis voluntarily returning to 2,270 persons.


22.2 million people in need

2,014,026 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

89 percent of IDPs displaced for more than one year

956,076 IDP returnees

280,279 refugees and asylum seekers (majority from Somalia and Ethiopia)

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