Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore on the high-level pledging conference for Yemen

NEW YORK, 26 February 2019 – “I urge world leaders convening now for the pledging conference on Yemen to remember that the lives of Yemeni children depend on their support.

“Yemen is home to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and children are especially vulnerable. At least 11.3 million – 80 percent of all children in the country – need humanitarian assistance, while 1.8 million are acutely malnourished including nearly 360,000 children under the age of five suffering from severe acute malnutrition. At least 2 million children are out of school and 8.1 million do not have access to safe water and sanitation services. Children continue to be killed or injured by the violence, recruited into armed groups or forced into child labour or early marriage.

“UNICEF requires US$542 million to continue funding and expand vital programmes that are keeping children alive. This funding will directly contribute to providing Yemeni children with the support and services they need most, including healthcare and vaccines against diseases like cholera and measles, therapeutic food and medicines for severely malnourished children, emergency cash transfers for families on the brink, and transportation allowances to help families bring their sick children to medical centres.

“UNICEF is deeply thankful for the support of our partners in helping us to reach children across Yemen in 2018. Yet sadly, the war continues and Yemen’s children still need us to be there on the ground, doing everything we can to get them through each day. Funds committed at the Geneva pledging conference have the power to save their lives.”

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