WFP Yemen Situation Report #43, January 2019


  • WFP distributed food assistance for 9.1 million people in January, achieving 80 percent of the planned 11.3 million.
  • The WFP Yemen 2019-2020 Interim Country Strategic Plan implementation started on 01 January 2019, with the aim to scale-up operations to reach 12 million people a month.
  • The Hudaydah ceasefire continues to hold at the political level, but parties to the conflict trade accusations of breaching the ceasefire, with numerous clashes reported. WFP has reached previously cut off districts of Tuhaytah and Durayhimi, but access to the Red Sea Mills is pending.

Situation Update (including security)


  • On 13 December, the last day of the Stockholm peace talks, the parties to the conflict reached an agreement on: a ceasefire in Hudaydah governorate, including the three ports of Hudaydah, Saleef and Ras Issa; an executive mechanism on activating the prisoner exchange agreement; and a statement of understanding in Taiz. The ceasefire was implemented from 18 December and is politically holding. Meanwhile, both parties breached the ceasefire, with numerous clashes reported across December and January. Hostilities in the Hudaydah governorate intensified following reports of Saudi-led Coalition air strikes in several districts on 30 January.
  • Following the UN Security Council resolution 2451 from 21 December, which endorsed the ceasefire and authorized an advance UN team to begin monitoring the agreements, on 16 January, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2452 to establish a special political mission, the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) — with an initial mandate of six months to lead and support the Redeployment Coordination Committee tasked with overseeing the ceasefire and undertaking redeployment of forces and mine action operations.

Red Sea Mills

  • On 24 January, a fire was reported at one of the Red Sea Mills silos in Hudaydah governorate, allegedly caused by Houthi mortar fire. Two mills were damaged, one containing 4,500 mt of WFP wheat and the other a similar quantity of commercial wheat. The mills used to contain some 51,000 mt of WFP wheat, enough to feed 3.7 million people for one month, but WFP has been unable to access them since September 2018. WFP had received assurances that access for an assessment mission would be granted from both parties for WFP to assess the condition of the remaining stocks and the milling capacity. The mission has been scheduled twice and both times postponed.


  • The implementation of the WFP Yemen 2019-2020 Interim Country Strategic Plan (ICSP) began on 01 January 2019 and is running concurrently with the Emergency Operation (EMOP) for three months. The ICSP primarily focuses on life-saving food and nutrition assistance, whilst incorporating conditional transfers that restore and protect livelihoods.

Scale-up Plans

In line with the results of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) for Yemen released in December, showing that out of a population of 28 million, 20.1 million people would be food insecure if humanitarian food assistance were not provided. In response, WFP is extending its reach to additional displaced people in Hudaydah and to particularly vulnerable people in 45 districts where there are pockets of IPC 5. Food assistance in these areas will be accompanied by additional monitoring controls and complemented by assistance from other clusters

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