UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #03 March 2019


24.1M In need of some form of assistance

14.3M In acute need

19.7M Lack access to basic health services

14.4M In need of protection

3.3M Internally displaced

6.0M Women of reproductive age (15-49 yrs)

1.0M Pregnant women malnourished

120,000 Women and girls at risk of violence


Nearly four years of conflict has disintegrated the economic and social fabric. The poverty rate is projected to have increased by 33 per cent since 2014, which means that 52 per cent of the population is likely to live in poverty in 2019.

The number of reported suspected cases of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea spiked in March 2019; 108,880 suspected cases were reported between 1 January and 17 March.

At least seven civilians were killed and eight injured as a result of an airstrike on a hospital in Kitaf Districtin Sa’ada Governorate on 26 March and on 23rd March, at one of the main public hospitals in Taizz City, which UNFPA supports to provide emergency obstetric care services.

Fighting continued to displace people in Hajjah Governorate. By the end of March, up to 68,000 families were estimated to be displaced within or from Hajjah. UNFPA, as lead of the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) was quick to seek access to transfer more than 10,000 RRM kits to Hajjah. By 30th March some 6,500 families received rapid response kits. In addition 1,500 kits were distributed among displaced persons from Hajjah across temporary shelters in Sana’a and Amran Governorates.

UNFPA supported the Ministry of Health to establish a Logistics Information Management System for reproductive health commodities in south Yemen. The system aims to monitor stock levels of these commodities and ensuring uninterrupted availability with zero stockouts, while providing real-time information on the amount and place of need.


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