Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 10 May 2019

Key figures:

24.1 M people in need

3.65 M displaced since March 2015 More than 80 per cent have been displaced more than a year

1.28 M IDP returnees

264,921 refugees

9,557 asylumseekers

Funding USD 198.6 M required for 2019 operations

IDP Emergency Response

UNHCR’s assistance across the country to internally displaced families (IDPs) is on-going. In the south-western flashpoint of Al Dhale’e governorate, where displacement continues, more than 4,404 new internally displaced families have been registered since November 2018. As of the beginning of 2019, 2,000 families have received core-relief items (CRIs), with 512 families benefitting from these emergency provisions during the reporting period.

UNHCR continues to deliver lifesaving emergency assistance in the southern governorates of Ibb and Taizz where there are several active frontlines. During the reporting period, 140 IDP families in these two governorates received CRIs and 32 IDP families received family tents. In the coming week, an additional 430 families are to receive CRIs and emergency shelter kits (ESKs) while a CRI replenishment request for 1,500 families has been sent to the country office. A total of 23,335 families have received CRIs and 5,753 families received emergency shelters in Yemen since 2019, with 10 per cent of the total having been distributed in these two governorates. Taizz and Ibb governorates alone are hosting some 14 per cent of the entire IDP and returnee population in Yemen. The highest number of CRIs/ESKs were distributed in Hudaydah governorate (some 5,000), which hosts 10 per cent of the entire IDP and 2 per cent of the returnee populations.

Since January 2019, there have been constant flows of IDPs southwards leaving the flashpoint of Bani Hassan district, 15 kilometres north of Abs district, Hajjah governorate and arriving in the northern districts of Hudaydah. During the reporting period, some 2,126 IDP families were newly identified and provided with CRIs. Within Hajjah city, a total of 2,748 IDP families of both recent and protracted displacement received CRIs or replacement items.

The northern Amran governorate continues to be a destination point for displaced persons fleeing the northern frontlines. UNHCR partner YRC distributed plastic sheeting to 119 IDP families and full emergency shelter packages to 11 IDP families whose shelters have been damaged due to the heavy seasonal rain. The families had been displaced to Amran governorate from Sa’ada and Hajjah governorates. Since 2019, a total of 1,706 IDP and returnee families have benefitted from CRIs and 231 families from ESKs in Amran governorate, which represent 7 and 4 per cent respectively of the entire distribution since 2019.

IDP Protection

UNHCR continues to strengthen protection interventions for IDPs, returnees and the host communities through community-based protection networks. In the first quarter of 2019, a total of 43,048 individuals received awareness-raising sessions through community-based protection networks and 34,410 individuals countrywide were referred to the eight IDP community centres or mobile units for specialized services.

During the same period, a total of 26,648 IDPs, returnees and host community members were assessed through household level protection monitoring; 21,761 families received multi-purpose protection cash grants; 17,618 individuals received legal assistance (10,028) or psychosocial support (7,590).

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