Yemen: Hajjah Displacement/Response Update, 5 – 9 May 2019

Although no significant changes in displacement patterns, partners reported access challenges at IDP hosting sites in Al Raboa’a area in northern Abs district of Hajjah governorate; such access impediments include delayed and denied movement permits. This is due to the sites proximity to active conflict as they are located about 15 km away from Bani Hassan sub district of Abs where the frontline has reached. This hinders SMC (Site Management and Coordination) partners’ presence at the sites which can lead to delayed assistance and, if the frontline extends, further displacement.

In Abs district, NFI (Non-Food Item) and EESK (Enhance Emergency Shelter Kit) distribution completed by NRC to 1,000 families that were recently displaced from Bani Hassan sub district. In Bani Qais district of Hajjah governorate, AOBWC (Al-Aman Organisation of Blind Women Care) distributed EESKs to 48 families, and NFI kits to 31 families. UNHCR through JAAHD (Jeel Albena Association for Humanitarian Development) assisted 2,117 families with NFI kits in Al Hudaydah’s northern districts of Az Zuhrah and Az Zaydiyah, and AGF (All Girls Foundation) assisted 200 families with EESKs and NFI kits in Az Zaydeiah district.

A site identification exercise was conducted by the SMC partners in Abs district. During the exercise, the light assessment focused on mapping key services and sectoral gaps. This culminated in 111 sites from the initial 173 sites in Abs district. The reduction in number of sites is due to the vacating of several sites as the conflict advances.

A Site Realization Task Force was formed with the goal of mapping existing IDP hosting sites that are near sustainable water sources and essential services, as well as those extendable to absorb more displaced families in case of emergency. The Task Force is led by the Shelter/NFI/CCCM Sub National Cluster and NAMCHA, and comprised of UNHCR, NRC, WASH Sub cluster, OCHA,
GARWAP (General Authority for Rural Water Supply Projects), ADO (Abs Development Organisation) and DRC. To initiate their task, NAMCHA, DRC, and ADO agreed to consolidate their IDP hosting site lists before starting the Site Realization exercise.

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