YEMEN mVAM Bulletin no.46 (June 2019)

Key Points

  • The highest percentage of households reported inadequate food consumption during June was recorded in Ad Dali (59 percent) and Al Bayda (52 percent), while in Hajja (46 percent) reported inadequate food consumption during June to be the highest percentage recorded in Hajja in the past six months.
  • In June, the highest rCSI average was recorded in Hajja for the second consecutive month.
  • A significant increase in the share of households that don’t have an access to medical care services across the country since the conflict began.

Situation Update

  • UN Officials urge parties in Yemen to fulfill the Stockholm, Al Hudaydah Agreements, amid Security Council calls for the opening of aid corridors. While the violence in the Hudaydah region has decreased and engagements between both parties to the conflict continue on phases one and two of the redeployment of forces, clashes have intensified in other parts of the country such as Ad Dali, Hajjah and Taizz governorates.
  • In Hajja governorate, around 34,000 households were displaced between February and May due to the escalated conflict in the city. At the beginning of June more than 20,000 households were provided with food and more than 4,000 were provided with Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA).
  • During the Security Council session on 17 June, WFP’s ED briefed Security Council members on the possibility of a partial suspension of humanitarian assistance, highlighting persistent issues in ensuring food deliveries reach intended beneficiaries.
  • Heavy rains and flooding continued across the country during the second week of June affected close to 70,000 families. The Executive Unit for Internally Displaced Persons had identified more than 3,000 displaced families (18,000 person) in Aden, Lahj, Taizz and Hadramaut, around 8,300 displaced families (about 50,000 person) in San’a and 8,000 displaced families (almost 48,000 person) in Hajja.

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