Yemen – Flash floods affecting IDPs camps (ECHO, OCHA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 04 October 2019)

  • Heavy rain and subsequent flooding has affected Yemen in the last week. Serious damage was sustained to several camps for internally displaced people. A total of 2,933 families have been affected by the floods in various governorates (1,329 in Lahj, 900 in Aden, 508 in Abyan, 38 in Hadramaut, 59 in Marib, 190 in Dhamar). Humanitarian organisations are assessing the impact in Hajjah and Hodeidah governorates.

  • DG ECHO supported camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) partners’ emergency assessments identified the main needs as food, desludging of stagnant water, shelters, non-food items and plastic sheets and dicophane spray to mitigate the risk of exacerbated water and vector borne disease outbreaks. The immediate emergency response is focused on covering the identified needs in the affected sites.

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