RDP is Supporting IDPs – But Still More in Jeopardy

In a life of a displaced family – only children pay the price!

Many parents have displaced to safer areas, trying to protect their little children from the intensified armed conflicts, yet children still face an imminent risk of famine and death.

What if a family header was greatly suffering from oral cancer?

What if he couldn’t get the needed drugs for his poor health condition to reach at a point where oncologists had to do a partial glossectomy – a surgical removal of part of his tongue?

Everyone sacrifices themselves to save the other! Children would starve to death to help their father get the needed drugs while the father sacrifices his health to keep his children alive!

Muqbill is at the age of thirty. He displaced from Hajjah Governorate due to the armed conflicts, living now under the poverty line with his wife and three children in Al-Qanawis district of Al Hudaydah Governorate.

It is truly hard that Muqbill has to go to the Oncology Center to be treated in Sana‘a Governorate. The transportation cost is one major problem he faces every month. He also needs to get biweekly drugs while the whole family are in acute need of basic necessities to sustain their lives.
It is a real tragedy in every sense of the word!



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