Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No. 09 (September 2019)



  • RDP-supported DTCs and ORCs Treated 1,963 Suspected Cholera Cases in Ibb and As Sayyani districts of IBB Governorate.
  • RDP Mobile Medical Teams Served 1,057 IDPs with the Needed Drugs in Reef Ibb district of IBB Governorate.
  • Right Hygienic Habits Would Reduce the Transmission of Cholera in Ibb and As Sayyani districts of IBB Governorate.


  • RDP Provides 302 Metric Tons of WSB+ and 66 Metric Tons of P.Doz for 94,413 Children U2 and PLW in Seven Districts of IBB and Taizz Governorates.
  • Educating People of Different Age Groups about Nutrition Key Messages in Seven Districts of IBB and Taizz Governorates.

Food Security & Livelihood

  • Serving Most Affected Families with Relief Food Assistance in Al-Bayda Governorate.


  • Desludging Septic Tanks to Maintain Clean Surroundings And Prevent Waterborne Diseases in Amanat Al-Asimah Governorate.
  • Performing Assessments of WASH Services at 48 Healthcare Facilities in three governorates.

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