The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 16/8/2016

Place of Violation: Sana’a, the capital of Sana’a, Saada, Taiz and AL-Jawf.

Violator: Saudi – Led Coalition “War on Yemen”

Casualties and damages:


( 23 airstrikes)

  • (16) civilians including 12 children and 2 women were killed and 18 others including 6 children and 4 women were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 2 airstrikes on 2 houses belong to the civilians/ Shayef Muhsein Assem and his brothers and destroyed them, damaged 5 others , 2 cars and Ghoulat Assem School in Ghoulat Assem area in AL-Hanashat area, Nehm district.
  • Four airstrikes targeted Thawma Valley in Nehm district.
  • One airstrike targeted the glass factory and destroyed it in Thawma area, Nehm district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Affash Archaeological Fortify in Bait AL-Ahmer area, Sanhan district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Madfoun area, Nehm district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted the house a civilian’s house and pump in Ghailama Marhaba area, Nehm district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Bait Dahra area, Nehm district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted a security point in Thawma area, Nehm district.
  • Six airstrikes targeted the public road that links between Sana’a and Nehm district.

The Capital of Sana’a:

(30 airstrikes)

  • Five civilians including 3 children and 2 women were killed and 22 others including 8 children and 5 women were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 2 airstrikes on the house of AL-Abed and destroyed it Bani Jarmouz area in Bani AL-Hareth district.
  • Nine airstrikes targeted the surrounding of Ayoub Prophet Mountain in Bani AL-Hareth district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Sa’wan area, Sho’up district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted the buildings of the military works center in AL-Nahdha area, AL-Thawraa district.
  • Seven airstrikes targeted Attan area, AL-Sabe’en district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Nuqum area, Azal district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted AL-Hafa area, AL-Safeia district.


(7 airstrikes)

  • Four airstrikes targeted the veterinary quarry in AL-Makha district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted the building of the Administration Security and destroyed it, caused the escape of 4 prisoners and damaged the building of the governmental compound in Same’a area.
  • One airstrike targeted the surrounding of the Education Office and damaged it in Same’a area.


( 9 airstrikes)

  • One airstrike targeted AL-Maghram area, Baqem district.
  • One airstrike targeted Maran area, Haydan district.
  • Four airstrikes targeted Dhahyan City.
  • One airstrike targeted a civilian’s house Dhahyan district.
  • One airstrike targeted AL-Hajr area, AL Salem.
  • Artillery and missile bombardment targeted AL AL-Zammah area, Baqem district.
  • Artillery and missile bombardment targeted AL AL-Hamaqi area, Baqem district.


( 8 airstrikes)

  • Four airstrikes targeted AL-Masloub district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted Sabrain area, Khab Wa AL-Sh’af district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Faidh area, AL-Mutoon district.
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