The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 3-6-2015

((killed 85 civilians including children and women and injured 146 others including children and women))

Violation date: 3/6/2015

Time: over 24 hours

Place of Violation: Sana’a, Saada, Marib, Aden, Hajja and Al-Hodeida.

Violator: Saudi – led Coalition “war on Yemen”-

Type of violation: The military warplanes bombed civilians’ houses, destroyed them on their inhabitants, and killed them. They destroyed civilian and service facilities, markets and shops ;also, they targeted the transportation.

Casualties and damages:

The capital of Sana’a:

1- (35) airstrikes targeted 22 May Industrial Compound from early morning until afternoon, which led to kill 2 civilians and injure 10 others and damage 42 residential buildings and nearby houses.

2- More than 42 civilians were injured.

3- The warplanes targeted Al-Nahdain Mountain by more than 10 missiles.

4- The warplanes also targeted Ayban Mountain by several airstrikes.

5- Seven airstrikes targeted civilian neighborhoods next to Aviation Collage and killed 2 civilians and injured 13 others and damaged 15 houses, Nuqum and Attan Mountains.


1- (53) civilians were killed including 35 children and 9 women, also 14 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on civilians’ houses and destroyed 25 of them in Saber area, Sahar district.

2- Six civilians were killed and 6 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on a civilian’s car at the public road in Al-Monzalah area.

3- The warplanes targeted a residential building in Al-Maqash area on the outskirts of Saada as well as they bombed with heavy weapons.

4- The warplanes bombed 6 missiles on Saada city and its suburbs, one of which targeted a house belongs to the civilian (Sa’eed Al-Rzami).

5- (36) airstrikes targeted 35 civilians’ houses, civilian and service facilities in Nashoor area.

6- Several missiles targeted Razeh district.

7- More than 40 missiles targeted 30 civilians’ houses.

8- Four missiles targeted Majz district.

9- The warplanes also bombed Abilah and Al-Mosahlgat areas and residential building in the city.

10- Several missiles targeted Saada city.


1- The warplanes bombed the outskirts of Marib.


1- The warplanes bombed Al-Mansoura area with internationally prohibited weapons and destroyed 45 shops and 70 houses.

2- The warplanes also bombed Al-Areesh area.


1- Killed 6 civilians were traveling by their car during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on the road that links between two provinces (Saada and Hajja)

2- Many airstrikes targeted an Ice Factory and destroyed it and damaged nearby shops (Al-Askaf) and damaged 14 shops in Ahem district.

3-Five missiles targeted Abu Al-Nar Mountain.

4- Missile and artillery shell bombardment targeted Bakeel Al-Mair, Al-Mazreq area and the building of Haradh Customs.


1- Ten civilians were killed and 30 others were injured.

2- Many airstrikes targeted several areas in the city, 6 civilians were killed and 25 others were injured.

3- Five airstrikes targeted Al-Hodeida Power Station and destroyed it, also two airstrikes targeted the housing of company staff and destroyed more than 6 houses and damaged 45 others.

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