The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 16 – 7 – 2015

((Killed more than 1 civilian and injured more than 7 others – the destruction of residential houses and civilian facilities))

Violation date: Thursday 16/7/2015

Time: Over 24 hours

Place of Violation: The Capital of Sana’a, Aden, Saada, Hajja, and AL-Jawf.

Violator: Saudi – led Coalition “war on Yemen”-

Type of violation: The military warplanes bombed civilian houses and destroyed them on the heads of their inhabitants and killed them, the destruction of schools, hospitals, health centers, airports, civilian and service facilities, markets and shops.

Casualties and damages:


1-Several airstrikes targeted Aden International Airport and caused huge damages in the runways and the halls in the airport.

2-Several airstrikes targeted Kour Maksar and Al-Tawahi areas in

conjunction with the bombing of the marine battleship.

3-Several airstrikes targeted Basohaubi hospital and destroyed it, they also targeted Aden Coastline in Al-Tawahi district.

4-Several airstrikes targeted Aden Refineries and AL-Kara’ Road Round in Al-Moalla city

The capital of Sanaa:

1- Killed the child (Shahd Shihab Abdulatif Al-Ansi) her age is 2 years old, and injured another 7 including women and children during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance on Al-Zahra Mosque and civilians’ houses and destroyed them in Al-Ansi neighborhood in Asir area.

2- One airstrike targeted the area around the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Parliament in Asir area.

3- Two airstrikes targeted Al-Dailami Air Base in the Airport.


1- Four airstrikes targeted Saada city.

2- (20) airstrikes targeted Al-Otaif area, Sagain district.

3- (10) airstrikes targeted Al-Samaa Mountain, Sehar district and damaged 11 houses and 2 farms.

4- Seven airstrikes targeted Al-Barg Public Market and destroyed tens of shops, school, health center, school, hospital, and many civilians’ houses in Monabih district.


1- Two airstrikes targeted the entrance of Haradh city and AL-Bahrin Hotel.

2- Four airstrikes targeted Governmental Compound and destroyed it in KhamisMostaba, Mostaba district.


1- They targeted AL-Mutoon and AL-Zaher districts.

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