The violations that are committed by Saudi-Led coalition against civilians in Yemen 4/9/2016


( 3 airstrikes)

  • Three airstrikes targeted AL-Jayef area, Hamdan district.


(31 airstrikes)

  • One airstrike targeted a civilian’s house and destroyed it and damaged 8 others in Baqem district.
  • One airstrike targeted Huaidi area, Ketaf district.
  • One airstrike targeted 4 shops belong to a civilian and destroyed them with the public road in AL-Sahn area in Saada City.
  • One airstrike targeted a water project in Bani Owair area, Ketaf district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL AL-Zammah area, Baqem district.
  • Six airstrikes targeted several areas in Munabeh district.
  • Seven airstrikes targeted several areas in Baqem district.
  • Six airstrikes of cluster bombs dropped on Qama’el and Mandaba areas, Baqem district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Sheda district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted AL Nehayan and AL-Qarawesh areas, Baqem district.
  • Artillery and missile bombardment targeted AL Omar and AL AL-Sheikh areas in Munabeh district.
  • Artillery and missile bombardment targeted several areas in Baqem district.


(54 airstrikes)

  • (36) airstrikes targeted several areas in Meedi district.
  • Ten airstrikes targeted Haradh district.
  • Six airstrikes targeted Abss district.
  • One airstrike targeted Bani Hassan area, Abss district.
  • One airstrike targeted a civilian’s house at Haqla Village and destroyed 3 and damaged 12 others in Abss district.


( 7 airstrikes)

  • Two civilians were killed and 10 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by 4 airstrikes on the Medical Association at the Commercial Neighborhood, the High Institute and the house of the civilian/ Muhammad Juma’n and destroyed them, damaged 15 others and damaged 13 shops in AL-Hodeida City.
  • Three airstrikes targeted the communications network in Khamees AL-Haij area, AL-Zehra district.


(2 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted Qahboub area, AL-Madhareba district.


( 12 airstrikes)

  • Five civilians including women and children were killed and 4 others were injured during the bombing of Saudi Arabia warplanes and its alliance by one airstrike on a house of displaced family from Wa’elat Saada in AL-Ashraf area, Abeeda Valley.
  • Five airstrikes targeted Surwah district.
  • Six airstrikes targeted Hailan area, Surwah district.


( 14 airstrikes)

  • Four airstrikes targeted the communications network at AL-Talili Mountain, AL-Sawd district.
  • Three airstrikes targeted Harf Sufyan district.
  • Two airstrikes targeted AL-Aswad Mountain Harf Sufyan district.
  • Five airstrikes targeted Amran City.


( 2 airstrikes)

  • Two airstrikes targeted the house of the civilian/ Ali Muhammad AL-Dailami and destroyed it in Bait AL-Dailami area, AL-Hada district.
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