
1-During the month of November 2017, the Ministry of Public Health and Population of
Yemen reported a total 73,086 cholera cases including 33 associated deaths
2-The cumulative number of cholera cases reported in Yemen since October 2016 is
997,525 including 2,351 related deaths with a case fatality rate of 0.23%. The country
experienced a second wave of this outbreak during the month of April and from 27 April
to 30 November 2017, the total number of reported cases of cholera is 971,698
including 2,222 related deaths with a case fatality rate of 0.23%.
3-In November 2017, a steady and continuous decline in the number of reported cases has
been observed, with a slight peak during week 46. In response to this continued decline
in the reported cases, WHO is strengthening active surveillance and case finding in low
reporting areas.
4-The five governorates with the highest cumulative attack rates per 10,000 are Amran
(825.3), Al Mahwit (783.8), Al Dhale’e (642.9), Abyan (493.0) and Sana’a (467.7); the
national attack rate is 352.8 per 10,000. The Governorate with higher numbers of deaths
are Al Hajjah (417), Ibb (285), Al Hudaydah (272) and Taizz(184).

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