Yemen-Cholera Response-Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin -W2- W2 2018 (Jan 08-Jan 14)


Cumulative figures

  • The cumulative total from 27 April 2017 to 14 Jan 2018 is 1,035,676 suspected cholera cases and 2,244 associated deaths, (CFR 0.22%), 1100 have been confirmed by culture.
  • 2 % of death were severe cases at admission – The total proportion of severe cases among the suspected cases is 16.8% – The national attack rate is 376 per 10,000. The five governorates with the highest cumulative attack rates per 10,000 remain Amran (880), Al Mahwit (836), Al Dhale’e (644), Hajjah (508) and Sana’a (503).
  • Children under 5 years old represent 28.6% of total suspected cases.
  • In total, 27,047 rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) have been performed which represents 26.1% coverage.
  • 2,662 cultures have been performed which represents 23% coverage.
  • The last positive culture was on 19 Dec 2017 in Al-Sabeen district in Amanat Al-Asimah – 236 districts are still reporting suspected cholera cases since last 3 weeks

69 districts (out of 05 affected districts ) did not report any suspected case s for the last three consecutive weeks

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